Principles of Crimp Force Monitoring - Basic (2 hr Live, Online Session)

Principles of Crimp Force Monitoring - Basic (2 hr Live, Online Session)

  • $330.00

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Unlock the mystery behind the science that is Crimp Force Monitoring (CFM).   Why, with all of their benefits, are CFMs not being used regularly by employees? One of the biggest reasons, is the lack of understanding of what the CFM can actually detect, and what the variables are that affect the CFM’s ability to detect variations. 

In this live, online 2-hour session we'll look at those variables that make up "the Complete System" and how they affect the end result.  We'll look at different force sensors and triggering devices and the pros and cons of each.  You'll learn what it means to "teach" the monitor and when this should be performed, how to determine application feasibility using "headroom".  We will teach you how to define the crimp zones and analyze the crimp curve, so you know what defines a "bad" crimp. 

There are several variables that need to be evaluated and understood for successful use of a CFM. With a little bit of explanation and training, you can unlock this mystery and help to ensure your company is producing products of the highest quality and reliability. 

Once you've placed your order, we will contact you to schedule your training.

This session can be tailored to your needs.

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